Comprehensive Plan
So, what is a Comprehensive Plan?
New York laws define a comprehensive plan as the "materials, written and/or graphic, including but not limited to maps, charts, studies, resolutions, reports and other descriptive material that identify the goals, objectives, principles, guidelines, policies, standards, devices and instruments for the immediate and long range protection, enhancement, growth and development of the [locality]."
The comprehensive plan creates a blueprint for the future development and preservation of a community. Often referred to as the "master plan," it is the essential foundation upon which communities are built. A good comprehensive plan guides not only the physical and economic development of the municipality, but also accommodates social, environmental and regional concerns.
The basic purpose of preparing a Comprehensive plan for the Town of Canadice is to provide a framework for the Town Board and operating staff to make decisions and implement actions in a consistent and coordinated fashion. The recommendations made in it are strategic in nature, based upon the best information available to the Town Planning Board at the time of preparation and adoption.
The initial Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1996 then revised and re-adopted in 1999 and 2015.
The current 2015 plan is being reviewed for update by the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee. Meetings are being held on the second Thursday of the month at 6PM at the Town Hall. Public input is welcomed, either in person or via the meeting Zoom "Quick Link" link on the Town's home page.
Comprehensive Plan Update Committee Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Video Recordings are available here.
Click here to download the current 2/9/15 Comprehensive Plan in PDF (7.25MB)
For comparison, click here to download the 6/15/99 Comprehensive Plan in PDF (1.59MB)
So, what is a Comprehensive Plan?
New York laws define a comprehensive plan as the "materials, written and/or graphic, including but not limited to maps, charts, studies, resolutions, reports and other descriptive material that identify the goals, objectives, principles, guidelines, policies, standards, devices and instruments for the immediate and long range protection, enhancement, growth and development of the [locality]."
The comprehensive plan creates a blueprint for the future development and preservation of a community. Often referred to as the "master plan," it is the essential foundation upon which communities are built. A good comprehensive plan guides not only the physical and economic development of the municipality, but also accommodates social, environmental and regional concerns.
The basic purpose of preparing a Comprehensive plan for the Town of Canadice is to provide a framework for the Town Board and operating staff to make decisions and implement actions in a consistent and coordinated fashion. The recommendations made in it are strategic in nature, based upon the best information available to the Town Planning Board at the time of preparation and adoption.
The initial Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1996 then revised and re-adopted in 1999 and 2015.
The current 2015 plan is being reviewed for update by the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee. Meetings are being held on the second Thursday of the month at 6PM at the Town Hall. Public input is welcomed, either in person or via the meeting Zoom "Quick Link" link on the Town's home page.
Comprehensive Plan Update Committee Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Video Recordings are available here.
Click here to download the current 2/9/15 Comprehensive Plan in PDF (7.25MB)
For comparison, click here to download the 6/15/99 Comprehensive Plan in PDF (1.59MB)