June 2012 Meeting
1. The Canadice Town Board Meeting was held on June 11, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the Canadice Town Hall.
2. Roll call showed the following-
Present: Supervisor Kristine Singer
Councilman Michael Virgil
Councilman Leland Durkee
Councilman John O’Connor
Councilman William Hershey
Others Present: Three (3) guests/residents attended the Regular Town Board Meeting.
3. Salute to the Flag.
4. Approval of May 14, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. There was no one to be heard.
Note: Communications are filed with the Town Clerk. Discussion on any item may be called for by any Member of this Board.
1. Town Clerk/Tax Collector- Mrs. Eileen Schaefer.
a. The financial report for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the month of May was submitted (see T. C. file).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to accept the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s report.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Historian- Mrs. Margaret Bott.
a. Supervisor Singer mentioned that Mrs. Bott is doing some research for her regarding Canadice and Hemlock Lakes when the City of Rochester first purchased the property. Supervisor Singer is also meeting with representatives from the City of Rochester Water Authority this week regarding having them handle the O&M for the water district.
3. Code Enforcement Officer- Mr. Robert Best.
a. The written report for the month of May was submitted (see T. C. file).
4. Planning Board- Mr. Theodore Mayhood.
a. The May draft minutes were submitted (see T.C. file).
5. Zoning Board of Appeals- Mrs. Linda Moorhouse.
a. No report yet, ZBA meeting scheduled for Wednesday 6/13.
6. Highway Superintendent- Mr. Bruce Longbine.
a. The written report for the month of May was submitted (see T. C. file).
7. Honeoye Lake Watershed Research Taskforce Liaison- Councilman Hershey.
a. Regular business was taken care of at our last meeting, however there wasn’t a quorum and we couldn’t vote on anything.
b. Mr. Bruce Gilman will be unable to mark the water lines for the weed harvester this year, so Mr. Bill Hershey from Ontario County Soil & Water will be handling that task.
8. Assessor- Ms. Valary Muscarella.
a. The written report for the month of May was submitted (see T. C. file).
b. Supervisor Singer announced that Ms. Muscarella has accepted a full-time position with Ontario County RPS which started June 4th. We have advertised for the position and applications will be accepted through June 15th, several have already been received. Councilman Virgil will help with the interviews. The Bookkeeping position which will be approximately 14 to 16 hours a week has not been filled yet. Mrs. Jodee Hunter has accepted the Deputy Records Management position working with the Town Clerk/Records Management Officer. That will only be approximately six hours a week at most.
9. Supervisor- Ms. Kristine Singer.
a. The financial report for the month of May was submitted (see T.C. file).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was carried to approve the financial report.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Abstained 1 Singer
Nays 0
1. Resolution Number 34 of 2012 – Authorization To Execute A Services Agreement With North Shore Solutions
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board has determined there is a need to establish an official website for the Town to comply with new regulations regarding the availability of records; and
WHEREAS, Town Clerk, Eileen Schaefer, has done extensive research with companies offering the services to develop and bring online a new website; and
WHEREAS, The Town Clerk recommends the use of North Shore Solutions for the development of the official town website for a fee of $455; and
WHEREAS, This Board, after discussion, agrees with the recommendation of the Town Clerk to contract with North Shore Solutions for development and maintenance of an official town website; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That this Board gives authorization to the Supervisor to execute an agreement with North Shore Solutions; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board is to retain a copy of the agreement with a copy of this resolution in addition to sending a certified copy of this resolution with an executed agreement to North Shore Solutions.
2. Resolution Number 35 of 2012 – Resolution Of Intent For Canadice To Be Included In The Towns Sharing The Cost For Model Legislation Regarding Hydrofracking
After some discussion, Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board has determined that there is a need to address regulations regarding gas drilling through a process identified as Hydrofracking to preserve the rural nature of our Town; and
WHEREAS, Developing land use regulations regarding this process is complicated since State and Federal Regulations take precedent in this venue; and
WHEREAS, Numerous Supervisors requested assistance from Ontario County to ensure regulations developed address the concerns of their residents without violating any State or Federal Regulations; and
WHEREAS, Ontario County solicited a number of legal firms that specialize in environmental issues to prepare model regulations that can be used by the municipalities to amend their land use codes; and
WHEREAS, Ontario County's Environmental Quality Committee has recommended Boylan Code, LLP as the most qualified and responsive firm to submit a proposal in the amount of $6,500 with a fee of $150/hr for additional or specific requests; and
WHEREAS, The base cost for this service will be shared by the towns interested in receiving the model regulations with the individual towns paying the hourly fee for their specific assistance if needed; and
WHEREAS, This Board, after discussion, agrees with the recommendation of the Supervisor, a member of the Environmental Quality Committee, to be included in the towns sharing the cost for the development of the base regulations; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board is expressing its intent to be included in the cost incurred through Ontario County for the development of Model Regulations regarding Hydrofracking; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution to the attention of Andrea Schoeneman at the Ontario County Attorney's Office.
1. Resolution Number 36 of 2012 – Authorization To Execute A Municipal Accounting Software Support Contract With Williamson Law Book Company
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board purchased the Municipal Accounting Software Program from Williamson Law Book Company in 1998; and
WHEREAS, The software support is an annual renewable contract at a rate of $907.50 for 2012; and
WHEREAS, The Budget Officer recommends the contract be purchased; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute said contract and remit the contract fee to Williamson Law Book Company; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution with the executed contract to Williamson Law Book Company with the contract fee and retain a copy in the Town files.
2. Resolution Number 37of 2012 – Authorization To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, Cross Road which is only .4 miles in length lies within two Ontario County townships, Canadice and Richmond, and a Livingston County township, Springwater, as it borders where these towns and counties intersect; and
WHEREAS, Regular maintenance consisting of plowing and patching has been performed by Canadice due to the inconvenience of location in relation to the other two towns; and
WHEREAS, Cross Road is in dire need of reconstruction; and
WHEREAS, Bruce Longbine, Canadice Highway Superintendent, contacted the adjoining town Highway Superintendents to propose a cost share for the reconstruction and future maintenance of this road; and
WHEREAS, The proposal to partner with the Towns of Richmond and Springwater sharing the cost of reconstruction and future capital repairs and improvements equally while routine maintenance will be performed by the Town of Canadice was agreed to by each Highway Superintendent; and
WHEREAS, An Intermunicipal Agreement has been prepared containing the terms of the proposal; and
WHEREAS, The Town Boards of each Town have agreed such a collaboration would be in the best interest of each town and its residents; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board gives authorization for the execution of said agreement by the required Town Officials; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send certified copies of this resolution along with the copies of the agreement to be executed by each participating town and returned. After all copies are fully executed, one copy will be distributed to each Supervisor and a copy of said executed agreement distributed to each Highway Superintendent.
3. Approval of the Bills –
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried that the bills are to be paid in the following amounts:
General Account Voucher #146 to #179 $ 8,288.77
Highway Account Voucher #076 to #092 $ 81,953.37
Trust & Agency #9 $ 347.03
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Mr. Brian Kane thanked Supervisor Singer and the Board for continuing to follow through with the hydrofracking issue and all the work involved with it.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Eileen Schaefer, Town Clerk
1. The Canadice Town Board Meeting was held on June 11, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the Canadice Town Hall.
2. Roll call showed the following-
Present: Supervisor Kristine Singer
Councilman Michael Virgil
Councilman Leland Durkee
Councilman John O’Connor
Councilman William Hershey
Others Present: Three (3) guests/residents attended the Regular Town Board Meeting.
3. Salute to the Flag.
4. Approval of May 14, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. There was no one to be heard.
Note: Communications are filed with the Town Clerk. Discussion on any item may be called for by any Member of this Board.
1. Town Clerk/Tax Collector- Mrs. Eileen Schaefer.
a. The financial report for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the month of May was submitted (see T. C. file).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to accept the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s report.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Historian- Mrs. Margaret Bott.
a. Supervisor Singer mentioned that Mrs. Bott is doing some research for her regarding Canadice and Hemlock Lakes when the City of Rochester first purchased the property. Supervisor Singer is also meeting with representatives from the City of Rochester Water Authority this week regarding having them handle the O&M for the water district.
3. Code Enforcement Officer- Mr. Robert Best.
a. The written report for the month of May was submitted (see T. C. file).
4. Planning Board- Mr. Theodore Mayhood.
a. The May draft minutes were submitted (see T.C. file).
5. Zoning Board of Appeals- Mrs. Linda Moorhouse.
a. No report yet, ZBA meeting scheduled for Wednesday 6/13.
6. Highway Superintendent- Mr. Bruce Longbine.
a. The written report for the month of May was submitted (see T. C. file).
7. Honeoye Lake Watershed Research Taskforce Liaison- Councilman Hershey.
a. Regular business was taken care of at our last meeting, however there wasn’t a quorum and we couldn’t vote on anything.
b. Mr. Bruce Gilman will be unable to mark the water lines for the weed harvester this year, so Mr. Bill Hershey from Ontario County Soil & Water will be handling that task.
8. Assessor- Ms. Valary Muscarella.
a. The written report for the month of May was submitted (see T. C. file).
b. Supervisor Singer announced that Ms. Muscarella has accepted a full-time position with Ontario County RPS which started June 4th. We have advertised for the position and applications will be accepted through June 15th, several have already been received. Councilman Virgil will help with the interviews. The Bookkeeping position which will be approximately 14 to 16 hours a week has not been filled yet. Mrs. Jodee Hunter has accepted the Deputy Records Management position working with the Town Clerk/Records Management Officer. That will only be approximately six hours a week at most.
9. Supervisor- Ms. Kristine Singer.
a. The financial report for the month of May was submitted (see T.C. file).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was carried to approve the financial report.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Abstained 1 Singer
Nays 0
1. Resolution Number 34 of 2012 – Authorization To Execute A Services Agreement With North Shore Solutions
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board has determined there is a need to establish an official website for the Town to comply with new regulations regarding the availability of records; and
WHEREAS, Town Clerk, Eileen Schaefer, has done extensive research with companies offering the services to develop and bring online a new website; and
WHEREAS, The Town Clerk recommends the use of North Shore Solutions for the development of the official town website for a fee of $455; and
WHEREAS, This Board, after discussion, agrees with the recommendation of the Town Clerk to contract with North Shore Solutions for development and maintenance of an official town website; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That this Board gives authorization to the Supervisor to execute an agreement with North Shore Solutions; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board is to retain a copy of the agreement with a copy of this resolution in addition to sending a certified copy of this resolution with an executed agreement to North Shore Solutions.
2. Resolution Number 35 of 2012 – Resolution Of Intent For Canadice To Be Included In The Towns Sharing The Cost For Model Legislation Regarding Hydrofracking
After some discussion, Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board has determined that there is a need to address regulations regarding gas drilling through a process identified as Hydrofracking to preserve the rural nature of our Town; and
WHEREAS, Developing land use regulations regarding this process is complicated since State and Federal Regulations take precedent in this venue; and
WHEREAS, Numerous Supervisors requested assistance from Ontario County to ensure regulations developed address the concerns of their residents without violating any State or Federal Regulations; and
WHEREAS, Ontario County solicited a number of legal firms that specialize in environmental issues to prepare model regulations that can be used by the municipalities to amend their land use codes; and
WHEREAS, Ontario County's Environmental Quality Committee has recommended Boylan Code, LLP as the most qualified and responsive firm to submit a proposal in the amount of $6,500 with a fee of $150/hr for additional or specific requests; and
WHEREAS, The base cost for this service will be shared by the towns interested in receiving the model regulations with the individual towns paying the hourly fee for their specific assistance if needed; and
WHEREAS, This Board, after discussion, agrees with the recommendation of the Supervisor, a member of the Environmental Quality Committee, to be included in the towns sharing the cost for the development of the base regulations; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board is expressing its intent to be included in the cost incurred through Ontario County for the development of Model Regulations regarding Hydrofracking; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution to the attention of Andrea Schoeneman at the Ontario County Attorney's Office.
1. Resolution Number 36 of 2012 – Authorization To Execute A Municipal Accounting Software Support Contract With Williamson Law Book Company
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board purchased the Municipal Accounting Software Program from Williamson Law Book Company in 1998; and
WHEREAS, The software support is an annual renewable contract at a rate of $907.50 for 2012; and
WHEREAS, The Budget Officer recommends the contract be purchased; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute said contract and remit the contract fee to Williamson Law Book Company; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution with the executed contract to Williamson Law Book Company with the contract fee and retain a copy in the Town files.
2. Resolution Number 37of 2012 – Authorization To Execute An Intermunicipal Agreement
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, Cross Road which is only .4 miles in length lies within two Ontario County townships, Canadice and Richmond, and a Livingston County township, Springwater, as it borders where these towns and counties intersect; and
WHEREAS, Regular maintenance consisting of plowing and patching has been performed by Canadice due to the inconvenience of location in relation to the other two towns; and
WHEREAS, Cross Road is in dire need of reconstruction; and
WHEREAS, Bruce Longbine, Canadice Highway Superintendent, contacted the adjoining town Highway Superintendents to propose a cost share for the reconstruction and future maintenance of this road; and
WHEREAS, The proposal to partner with the Towns of Richmond and Springwater sharing the cost of reconstruction and future capital repairs and improvements equally while routine maintenance will be performed by the Town of Canadice was agreed to by each Highway Superintendent; and
WHEREAS, An Intermunicipal Agreement has been prepared containing the terms of the proposal; and
WHEREAS, The Town Boards of each Town have agreed such a collaboration would be in the best interest of each town and its residents; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board gives authorization for the execution of said agreement by the required Town Officials; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send certified copies of this resolution along with the copies of the agreement to be executed by each participating town and returned. After all copies are fully executed, one copy will be distributed to each Supervisor and a copy of said executed agreement distributed to each Highway Superintendent.
3. Approval of the Bills –
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried that the bills are to be paid in the following amounts:
General Account Voucher #146 to #179 $ 8,288.77
Highway Account Voucher #076 to #092 $ 81,953.37
Trust & Agency #9 $ 347.03
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Mr. Brian Kane thanked Supervisor Singer and the Board for continuing to follow through with the hydrofracking issue and all the work involved with it.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Eileen Schaefer, Town Clerk