March 2012
1. The Canadice Town Board Meeting was held on March 12, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the Canadice Town Hall.
2. Roll call showed the following-
Present: Supervisor Kristine Singer
Councilman Michael Virgil
Councilman Leland Durkee
Councilman John O’Connor
Absent Councilman William Hershey
Others Present: Five (5) guests/residents attended the Regular Town Board Meeting.
3. Salute to the Flag.
4. Approval of February 13, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
*Mr. Frank Hacknauer wanted an update on the water district and a possible natural gas line for that area. Supervisor Singer indicated the packet for the water district is with the Comptrollers office, and a resolution was submitted for National Fuel to be designated a natural gas source. At this time we are still targeting 2013 for the water to be installed. No time estimate has been proposed for the possibility of the gas line yet. Also Mr. Hacknauer inquired about hydrofracking and wanted to know if Ontario County accepts hydrofracking water. Supervisor Singer and the Board indicated they have been researching hydrofracking for quite some time and feel some of the regulations already in our code protect us. Ontario County Planning and an attorney will be working on model regulations that all of the towns can draw from and share in the attorney’s fees. So we will be working on local law regulations as soon as the model law is available. The Ontario County landfill is not accepting any hydrofracking fluids or solids. Supervisor Singer mentioned she has also been in contact with Mr. Bob Morrison from the Rochester City Water Department regarding hydrofracking.
*Mr. Ted Mayhood asked if we are moving fast enough to protect ourselves. The Town Board indicated they feel we are using our resources best by going directly to preparing and enacting regulations.
Note: Communications are filed with the Town Clerk. Discussion on any item may be called for by any Member of this Board.
1. Town Clerk/Tax Collector- Mrs. Eileen Schaefer.
a. The financial report for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the month of February was submitted (see T. C. file).
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to accept the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s report.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
2. Historian- Mrs. Margaret Bott.
a. All of the pictures donated by Bonnie Coniber from 1910 of the Canadice Lake area were received.
3. Code Enforcement Officer- Mr. Robert Best.
a. The written report for the month of February was submitted (see T. C. file).
4. Planning Board- Mr. Theodore Mayhood.
a. The February draft minutes were submitted (see T.C. file).
b. Two site plan applications are on the agenda for the March meeting.
5. Zoning Board of Appeals- Mrs. Linda Moorhouse.
a. Mrs. Diane Horning indicated there is a scheduled meeting this coming Wednesday.
6. Highway Superintendent- Mr. Bruce Longbine.
a. Fairly quiet right now. We have a meeting coming up regarding the new radios. Ontario County still needs to have a license for this process.
7. Honeoye Lake Watershed Research Taskforce Liaison- Councilman Hershey.
a. No report.
8. Assessor- Ms. Valary Muscarella.
a. The written report for the month of February was submitted (see T. C. file).
9. Supervisor- Ms. Kristine Singer.
a. The financial reports for the month of January and February should be ready by the next meeting. A few issues with the new payroll software need to be fixed.
1. Stop Sign Assessment Study- Councilman O’Connor agrees with the Purcell Hill Road and Canadice Lake Road recommendations, but feels we need to consider what the Highway Superintendent suggests. Superintendent Longbine agrees with the Purcell Hill Road recommendation. He isn’t sure if it is a good idea to change anything at the intersection of Canadice Lake & Burch Hill Roads, but is not in favor of a three-way stop intersection at Middle and Burch Hill Roads. It was suggested to use new traffic pattern signs for a while. Supervisor Singer is also resubmitting the speed limit change request for Canadice Lake Road. Superintendent Longbine will go over the recommendations again before a final decision is made.
2. Website Update- Not ready to provide a recommendation yet, getting opinions from website people.
1. Resolution Number 22 of 2012 – Resolution Of Sympathy
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Beverly Deats; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Deats served this Town and its residents as Town Clerk for a total of 18 years serving from 1964 to 1973 and 1990 to 1997; as Deputy Town Clerk for 12 years serving from 1978 to 1989; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Deats also served as Tax Collector for a total of 10 years serving from 1974 to 1977, 1986 to 1989 and 1996 to 1997; and
WHEREAS, During her tenures Mrs. Deats demonstrated the highest degree of dedication and professionalism to both the Town and its citizens, qualities which characterize the highest ideals of those in public service; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Deats was always willing to offer guidance and assistance to both the citizens of Canadice and the many visitors she encountered serving in her positions; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Beverly Deats has left her mark in the history of this Town; and
WHEREAS, The entire Town of Canadice wishes to pay its respects to the memory of this fine citizen; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Town Board of the Town of Canadice extends its sympathy to the family of Beverly Deats; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That this Resolution be entered as part of the permanent records of the proceedings of the Town and be retained in its book of minutes forever; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution to the family of Mrs. Deats.
2. Appointed Board Training- Supervisor Singer will try to set up a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Boards in conjunction with a representative from Ontario County Planning or Genesee Regional Planning to focus on our issues more closely rather than the generalizations at the regularly scheduled classes.
3. Resolution Number 23 of 2012 – Appointment Of Diane Horning To The Board Of Assessment Review
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The term for Assessment Review Board Member, Mr. Zachary Randolph expired on September 30, 2011; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Randolph chose not to be re-appointed to the Board of Assessment Review; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Diane Horning of 9152 Luckenbach Hill Road has expressed an interest in being appointed to said Board; and
WHEREAS, This Board, after due deliberation, agrees that Mrs. Horning will be an asset to the Assessment Review Board and is pleased that Mrs. Horning wishes to continue her tenure on said Board; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board does hereby appoint Mrs. Diane Horning to the Town of Canadice Assessment Review Board for a five year term that expires on September 30, 2016; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send certified copies of this resolution to Mrs. Diane Horning, and Ontario County Real Property Tax Services.
4. Resolution Number 24 of 2012 – Authorization To Execute The Town Clerk Plus Program Software Support Contract With Williamson Law Book Company
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board purchased the Town Clerk/Tax Collector program from Williamson Law Book Company in 1998 which has been updated to the Town Clerk Plus Program; and
WHEREAS, The software support is an annual renewable contract at a rate of $665.50 for 2012; and
WHEREAS, The Town Clerk recommends the contract be renewed; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute said contract and remit the contract fee to Williamson Law Book Company; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution with the executed contract to Williamson Law Book Company with the contract fee and retain a copy of same in the Town files.
5. Resolution Number 25 of 2012 – Authorization To Execute The Building And Codes Program Software Support Contract With Williamson Law Book Company
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board purchased the Code Enforcement Officer program from Williamson Law Book Company in 2000; and
WHEREAS, The software support is an annual renewable contract at a rate of $363 for 2012; and
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer recommends the contract be renewed; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute said contract and remit the contract fee to Williamson Law Book Company; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution with the executed contract to Williamson Law Book Company with the contract fee and retain a copy of same in the Town files.
6. Approval of the Bills –
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried that the bills are to be paid in the following amounts:
General Account Voucher #55 to #84 $ 23,105.30
Highway Account Voucher #023 to #045 $ 76,610.56
Trust & Agency Voucher #05 $ 307.63
Richmond Fire District #01 $ 63,490.00
Hemlock Fire District #001 $ 20,327.00
Springwater Fire District #0001 $ 35,452.00
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
1. There was no one to be heard.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn into executive session for a personnel issue and potential legal matter at 8:26 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the executive session and resume the regular meeting at 8:55 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Eileen Schaefer, Town Clerk
1. The Canadice Town Board Meeting was held on March 12, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the Canadice Town Hall.
2. Roll call showed the following-
Present: Supervisor Kristine Singer
Councilman Michael Virgil
Councilman Leland Durkee
Councilman John O’Connor
Absent Councilman William Hershey
Others Present: Five (5) guests/residents attended the Regular Town Board Meeting.
3. Salute to the Flag.
4. Approval of February 13, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
*Mr. Frank Hacknauer wanted an update on the water district and a possible natural gas line for that area. Supervisor Singer indicated the packet for the water district is with the Comptrollers office, and a resolution was submitted for National Fuel to be designated a natural gas source. At this time we are still targeting 2013 for the water to be installed. No time estimate has been proposed for the possibility of the gas line yet. Also Mr. Hacknauer inquired about hydrofracking and wanted to know if Ontario County accepts hydrofracking water. Supervisor Singer and the Board indicated they have been researching hydrofracking for quite some time and feel some of the regulations already in our code protect us. Ontario County Planning and an attorney will be working on model regulations that all of the towns can draw from and share in the attorney’s fees. So we will be working on local law regulations as soon as the model law is available. The Ontario County landfill is not accepting any hydrofracking fluids or solids. Supervisor Singer mentioned she has also been in contact with Mr. Bob Morrison from the Rochester City Water Department regarding hydrofracking.
*Mr. Ted Mayhood asked if we are moving fast enough to protect ourselves. The Town Board indicated they feel we are using our resources best by going directly to preparing and enacting regulations.
Note: Communications are filed with the Town Clerk. Discussion on any item may be called for by any Member of this Board.
1. Town Clerk/Tax Collector- Mrs. Eileen Schaefer.
a. The financial report for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the month of February was submitted (see T. C. file).
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to accept the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s report.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
2. Historian- Mrs. Margaret Bott.
a. All of the pictures donated by Bonnie Coniber from 1910 of the Canadice Lake area were received.
3. Code Enforcement Officer- Mr. Robert Best.
a. The written report for the month of February was submitted (see T. C. file).
4. Planning Board- Mr. Theodore Mayhood.
a. The February draft minutes were submitted (see T.C. file).
b. Two site plan applications are on the agenda for the March meeting.
5. Zoning Board of Appeals- Mrs. Linda Moorhouse.
a. Mrs. Diane Horning indicated there is a scheduled meeting this coming Wednesday.
6. Highway Superintendent- Mr. Bruce Longbine.
a. Fairly quiet right now. We have a meeting coming up regarding the new radios. Ontario County still needs to have a license for this process.
7. Honeoye Lake Watershed Research Taskforce Liaison- Councilman Hershey.
a. No report.
8. Assessor- Ms. Valary Muscarella.
a. The written report for the month of February was submitted (see T. C. file).
9. Supervisor- Ms. Kristine Singer.
a. The financial reports for the month of January and February should be ready by the next meeting. A few issues with the new payroll software need to be fixed.
1. Stop Sign Assessment Study- Councilman O’Connor agrees with the Purcell Hill Road and Canadice Lake Road recommendations, but feels we need to consider what the Highway Superintendent suggests. Superintendent Longbine agrees with the Purcell Hill Road recommendation. He isn’t sure if it is a good idea to change anything at the intersection of Canadice Lake & Burch Hill Roads, but is not in favor of a three-way stop intersection at Middle and Burch Hill Roads. It was suggested to use new traffic pattern signs for a while. Supervisor Singer is also resubmitting the speed limit change request for Canadice Lake Road. Superintendent Longbine will go over the recommendations again before a final decision is made.
2. Website Update- Not ready to provide a recommendation yet, getting opinions from website people.
1. Resolution Number 22 of 2012 – Resolution Of Sympathy
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Beverly Deats; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Deats served this Town and its residents as Town Clerk for a total of 18 years serving from 1964 to 1973 and 1990 to 1997; as Deputy Town Clerk for 12 years serving from 1978 to 1989; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Deats also served as Tax Collector for a total of 10 years serving from 1974 to 1977, 1986 to 1989 and 1996 to 1997; and
WHEREAS, During her tenures Mrs. Deats demonstrated the highest degree of dedication and professionalism to both the Town and its citizens, qualities which characterize the highest ideals of those in public service; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Deats was always willing to offer guidance and assistance to both the citizens of Canadice and the many visitors she encountered serving in her positions; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Beverly Deats has left her mark in the history of this Town; and
WHEREAS, The entire Town of Canadice wishes to pay its respects to the memory of this fine citizen; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Town Board of the Town of Canadice extends its sympathy to the family of Beverly Deats; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That this Resolution be entered as part of the permanent records of the proceedings of the Town and be retained in its book of minutes forever; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution to the family of Mrs. Deats.
2. Appointed Board Training- Supervisor Singer will try to set up a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Boards in conjunction with a representative from Ontario County Planning or Genesee Regional Planning to focus on our issues more closely rather than the generalizations at the regularly scheduled classes.
3. Resolution Number 23 of 2012 – Appointment Of Diane Horning To The Board Of Assessment Review
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The term for Assessment Review Board Member, Mr. Zachary Randolph expired on September 30, 2011; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Randolph chose not to be re-appointed to the Board of Assessment Review; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Diane Horning of 9152 Luckenbach Hill Road has expressed an interest in being appointed to said Board; and
WHEREAS, This Board, after due deliberation, agrees that Mrs. Horning will be an asset to the Assessment Review Board and is pleased that Mrs. Horning wishes to continue her tenure on said Board; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board does hereby appoint Mrs. Diane Horning to the Town of Canadice Assessment Review Board for a five year term that expires on September 30, 2016; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send certified copies of this resolution to Mrs. Diane Horning, and Ontario County Real Property Tax Services.
4. Resolution Number 24 of 2012 – Authorization To Execute The Town Clerk Plus Program Software Support Contract With Williamson Law Book Company
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board purchased the Town Clerk/Tax Collector program from Williamson Law Book Company in 1998 which has been updated to the Town Clerk Plus Program; and
WHEREAS, The software support is an annual renewable contract at a rate of $665.50 for 2012; and
WHEREAS, The Town Clerk recommends the contract be renewed; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute said contract and remit the contract fee to Williamson Law Book Company; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution with the executed contract to Williamson Law Book Company with the contract fee and retain a copy of same in the Town files.
5. Resolution Number 25 of 2012 – Authorization To Execute The Building And Codes Program Software Support Contract With Williamson Law Book Company
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board purchased the Code Enforcement Officer program from Williamson Law Book Company in 2000; and
WHEREAS, The software support is an annual renewable contract at a rate of $363 for 2012; and
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer recommends the contract be renewed; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute said contract and remit the contract fee to Williamson Law Book Company; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution with the executed contract to Williamson Law Book Company with the contract fee and retain a copy of same in the Town files.
6. Approval of the Bills –
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried that the bills are to be paid in the following amounts:
General Account Voucher #55 to #84 $ 23,105.30
Highway Account Voucher #023 to #045 $ 76,610.56
Trust & Agency Voucher #05 $ 307.63
Richmond Fire District #01 $ 63,490.00
Hemlock Fire District #001 $ 20,327.00
Springwater Fire District #0001 $ 35,452.00
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
1. There was no one to be heard.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn into executive session for a personnel issue and potential legal matter at 8:26 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the executive session and resume the regular meeting at 8:55 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor
Nays 0
Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Eileen Schaefer, Town Clerk