October 2011 Meeting
1. The Canadice Town Board Meeting was held on October 10, 2011 at 7:30 pm at the Canadice Town Hall.
2. Roll call showed the following-
Present: Supervisor Kristine Singer
Councilman Michael Virgil
Councilman Leland Durkee
Councilman John O’Connor
Councilman William Hershey
Others Present: Four (4) guests/residents attended the Regular Town Board Meeting.
3. Salute to the Flag.
4. a. Approval of September 12, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2011 Regular Town Board Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
b. Approval of September 28, 2011 Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2011 Budget Workshop Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
B. PUBLIC HEARING -To entertain comments pertaining to the findings deeming 6235
Southwest Shores as unsafe and order issued to remedy. Mr. Erhart was not in attendance,
Supervisor Singer opened the public hearing.
After some discussion and a report by the CEO Mr. Best, it was decided to pull the following resolutions and we will address them at the next meeting if the order to remedy has not been complied with.
1. Resolution Number PULLED of 2011 – To Proceed With Removal of Unsafe Structure
2. Resolution Number PULLED of 2011 - Acceptance of Bid
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to close the public hearing.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Mike Schaffron, LaBella Engineering, Regarding Proposed Canadice Water District Update-
*Mr. Schaffron reviewed the immediate timeline. Mr. Emborsky should be filing information with the NYS Comptroller. Supervisor Singer will be reviewing it before it is filed. The bond resolution would be next which means we need to complete the SEQR for construction.
*Mr. Schaffron mentioned possible funding for a loan from Rural Development that would provide a much lower interest rate. We would also need to complete the federal SEQR for this loan application. Lead Agency status will be addressed at the November meeting.
After A Brief Discussion, Councilman Virgil Motioned, Councilman Durkee Seconded, And It Was Unanimously Carried To Accept The Motion To Contract With Labella Associates, P.C. For Services Related To The Completion Of Environmental Review And Initial RD Application For Water District No. 1; No. P7761.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Note: Communications are filed with the Town Clerk. Discussion on any item may be called for by any Member of this Board.
1. Town Clerk/Tax Collector- Mrs. Eileen Schaefer.
a. The financial report for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the month of September was submitted (see T. C. file).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to accept the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s report.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Historian- Mrs. Margaret Bott.
a. No report.
3. Code Enforcement Officer- Mr. Robert Best.
a. The written report for the month of September was submitted (see T. C. file).
b. On 9/29 Mr. Best was called to the old Lookout on County Rd 36 for a gas leak. The Fire Chief shut the gas off. The property was tagged, and no one can enter the property until the situation is corrected.
4. Planning Board- Mr. Theodore Mayhood.
a. The September draft minutes were submitted (see T.C. file).
b. Still waiting for the new survey map for the Colegrove property.
c. We held a site plan sketch conference with Cathy Crane regarding the ropes course she is proposing on County Road 36. A possible company was scheduled to meet with her after our Planning Board meeting to check the feasibility of the business at that location.
5. Zoning Board of Appeals- Mrs. Linda Moorhouse.
a. Mr. Best reported the ZBA is having a preliminary hearing on a property on Twin Bay.
6. Highway Superintendent- Mr. Bruce Longbine.
a. The written report for the month of September was submitted (see T. C. file). Supervisor Singer highlighted a few of the items from the report: all the capital projects are done for the year, a fair amount of salt & sand is mixed and ready for use, the Townline Road culvert project is done
7. Honeoye Lake Watershed Research Taskforce Liaison- Councilman Hershey.
a. No report.
8. Assessor- Ms. Valary Muscarella.
a. The written report for the month of September was submitted (see T. C. file).
9. Supervisor- Ms. Kristine Singer.
a. The financial report for the month of September was submitted (see T.C. file).
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was carried to approve the financial report.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Abstained 1 Singer
Nays 0
b. Budget Transfer
DA5130.2 DA5112.2 $ 3,070.71 Expenditures greater than budgeted amount.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the transfer.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
c. Resolution Number 47 of 2011 – Budget Modification
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Budget Officer has received revenue from the sale of equipment; and
WHEREAS, The equipment purchase plan takes into consideration the receipt of such funds as a revenue source when making the equipment purchases; and
WHEREAS, The sale of equipment exceeded the amounts needed for equipment replacements scheduled for 2011; and
WHEREAS, Expenses for permanent improvements will exceed the budgeted amount due to the increase in the price of materials; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board directs the Budget Officer to make the following 2011 budget modifications:
Increase DA2665, Equipment Sale by $10,965.00
Increase DA5112.2, Permanent Improvements by $10,965.00
1. 2012 Budget Review
a. Resolution Number 48 of 2011 – Setting Date Place And Time For A Public Hearing To Entertain Comments Pertaining To The Adoption Of Local Law Number 1 (intro) of 2011 Entitled A Local Law To Override The Tax Levy Limit Established In General Municipal Law 3-c
Supervisor Singer indicated there is not a consensus between the state budget office and the State Comptrollers Office on how to calculate the 2% tax cap on the tax levy. Different guidelines have been distributed again just last Thursday. We have not exceeded the cap under the current guidelines. The State Comptroller and various municipal attorneys have recommended passing a local law to override the limit. Even though our budget is conservative and we shouldn’t have a problem; there could be a penalty a year or two from now when they deem the cap is exceeded under whatever guidelines they finally adopt.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, There has been presented and introduced at a meeting of this Board held on October 10, 2011, a proposed local law entitled "A Local Law to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law 3-c; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board shall hold a Public Hearing on the 14th day of November 2011 at 7:30 pm for the purpose of entertaining comments pertaining to the adoption of Local Law Number 1 (intro) of 2011 entitled; A Local Law to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law 3-c; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board publish a notice of said Public Hearing in the official newspaper of the Town at least five (5) days prior thereto.
b. Resolution Number 49 of 2011 – Setting Date Place And Time For A Public Hearing To Entertain Comments Pertaining To The Proposed 2012 Canadice Town Budget
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Budget Officer furnished town officers with budget estimate forms for input; and
WHEREAS, Based on said forms and other pertinent information the Budget Officer prepared the 2012 Tentative Budget and filed said budget with the Town Clerk and members of this Board; and
WHEREAS, This Board conducted a budget workshop meeting on September 28, 2011; and
WHEREAS, Based on the input provided at said workshop, the Budget Officer prepared the 2012 Proposed Budget; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board will conduct a Public Hearing to hear comments pertaining to the 2012 Proposed Budget, Monday, November 14, 2011 at the Canadice Town Hall, 5949 County Road 37, Town of Canadice, New York at 7:30 pm; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board publish a public notice of said Public Hearing in the official newspaper of the Town at least five (5) days prior thereto.
c. Resolution Number 50 of 2011 – Setting Date Place And Time For a Public Hearing To Entertain Comments Pertaining To Fire Protection District Contracts
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Town of Canadice currently contracts with the Richmond Fire District, Springwater Fire District and the Hemlock Fire District for fire protection and ambulance service within the Town's fire protection districts; and
WHEREAS, Said contracts will expire on December 31, 2011; and
WHEREAS, This Board desires to execute new contracts for a one year period commencing January 1, 2012 and terminating December 31, 2012; and
WHEREAS, This Board and representatives from each fire district have agreed to review rates and assessed values in each service district prior to the next contract renewal; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board will conduct a public hearing to entertain comments pertaining to said contracts at 7:30 pm on November 14, 2011 at the Canadice Town Hall, 5949 County Road 37; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board publish notice of said Public Hearing in the official newspaper in accordance with Town Law and send copies of this resolution, along with respective contracts to the Richmond Fire District, the Springwater Fire District and the Hemlock Fire District.
2. Review of Salt Brine Storage Tank Proposal- We will discuss the proposal at the next meeting.
3. Engineering review of designated stop signs- Councilman O’Connor met with Mr. Glen Thornton. He brought site maps with him for all three intersections and asked Councilman O’Connor for the Board’s opinion on the intersections. Mr. Thornton also spoke to Mr. Tim McElligott from Ontario County to acquire traffic studies and all the accident exports. He expects to have the report completed this fall.
1. Resolution Number 51 of 2011 – Update Of Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Of The Town Of Canadice Town Roads.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board, by adoption of Resolution Number 61 of 1993, established an ongoing five year Capital Improvement Program for the Betterment of Town of Canadice roads; and
WHEREAS, Said resolution states that the list of projects shall be updated and adopted by resolution no later than September 30 of each calendar year; and
WHEREAS, This update was delayed to allow Highway Superintendent Bruce Longbine time to complete his assessment of the roads; and
WHEREAS, The Highway Superintendent has submitted a revised plan; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby adopt the following list of rebuild projects to be performed on Town roads during the years 2012 through 2016
*Canadice Lake Road from Burch Hill Road south 2.0 miles to Holmes Road – Replace cross culverts, reprofile road surface, reconstruct shoulders and surface treat with oil and stone.
*Canadice Lake Road from Holmes Road south 2 miles to Johnson Hill Road - Replace cross culverts, reprofile road surface, reconstruct shoulders and surface treat with oil and stone.
*Town Line Road 1.1 miles from Canadice Hill Road west to Ross Road - Replace cross culverts, regravel and profile surface with oil and stone.
*Purcell Hill Road 1.4 miles from Canadice Lake Road to State Route 15A – Replace cross culverts, reprofile road surface, mix, pave and reconstruct shoulders.
*Middle Road 1.48 miles from Curtis Road south to County Road 37. Mix and pave surface with a single shot of oil and stone.
and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board and the Highway Superintendent maintain a copy of this resolution with Resolution Number 61 of 1993 in a file within their respective offices.
2. Resolution Number 52 of 2011 – Authorization To Execute Snow And Ice Control Contract With Ontario County
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Town of Canadice entered into a contract with Ontario County for the removal of snow and ice control from County Roads 36 and 37 that are within the Town; and
WHEREAS, Said contract will expire on September 30, 2011; and
WHEREAS, Ontario County and the Town have agreed to the terms of a new contract; and
WHEREAS, The contract will commence on October 1, 2011 and terminate September 30, 2012; and
WHEREAS, This Board is has reviewed said snow and ice contract with Ontario County as proposed and agrees to the terms contained in said contract; and
WHEREAS, The rate of reimbursement for 2011-12 will be $5134.20 per mile (1% increase) with the option to re-open the contract to address rapidly rising or falling commodity prices; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute said contract with Ontario County for the above mentioned term; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution with the executed contracts to William Wright, Ontario County Public Works, 2962 County Road 48, Canandaigua, NY 14424. Ontario County will return a fully executed contract to the Town Clerk for retention in the Town files.
3. Approval of the Bills –
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried that the bills are to be paid in the following amounts:
General Account Voucher #269 to #290 $ 12,932.47
Highway Account Voucher #149 to #165 $ 69,172.85
Trust & Agency Voucher #04 $ 1,197.49
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Councilman O’Connor provided the information regarding Veteran’s Day services: Friday November 11 at 11:00 am at the Gazebo in front of the Richmond Town Hall.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Eileen Schaefer, Town Clerk
1. The Canadice Town Board Meeting was held on October 10, 2011 at 7:30 pm at the Canadice Town Hall.
2. Roll call showed the following-
Present: Supervisor Kristine Singer
Councilman Michael Virgil
Councilman Leland Durkee
Councilman John O’Connor
Councilman William Hershey
Others Present: Four (4) guests/residents attended the Regular Town Board Meeting.
3. Salute to the Flag.
4. a. Approval of September 12, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2011 Regular Town Board Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
b. Approval of September 28, 2011 Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2011 Budget Workshop Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
B. PUBLIC HEARING -To entertain comments pertaining to the findings deeming 6235
Southwest Shores as unsafe and order issued to remedy. Mr. Erhart was not in attendance,
Supervisor Singer opened the public hearing.
After some discussion and a report by the CEO Mr. Best, it was decided to pull the following resolutions and we will address them at the next meeting if the order to remedy has not been complied with.
1. Resolution Number PULLED of 2011 – To Proceed With Removal of Unsafe Structure
2. Resolution Number PULLED of 2011 - Acceptance of Bid
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to close the public hearing.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Mike Schaffron, LaBella Engineering, Regarding Proposed Canadice Water District Update-
*Mr. Schaffron reviewed the immediate timeline. Mr. Emborsky should be filing information with the NYS Comptroller. Supervisor Singer will be reviewing it before it is filed. The bond resolution would be next which means we need to complete the SEQR for construction.
*Mr. Schaffron mentioned possible funding for a loan from Rural Development that would provide a much lower interest rate. We would also need to complete the federal SEQR for this loan application. Lead Agency status will be addressed at the November meeting.
After A Brief Discussion, Councilman Virgil Motioned, Councilman Durkee Seconded, And It Was Unanimously Carried To Accept The Motion To Contract With Labella Associates, P.C. For Services Related To The Completion Of Environmental Review And Initial RD Application For Water District No. 1; No. P7761.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Note: Communications are filed with the Town Clerk. Discussion on any item may be called for by any Member of this Board.
1. Town Clerk/Tax Collector- Mrs. Eileen Schaefer.
a. The financial report for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the month of September was submitted (see T. C. file).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to accept the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s report.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Historian- Mrs. Margaret Bott.
a. No report.
3. Code Enforcement Officer- Mr. Robert Best.
a. The written report for the month of September was submitted (see T. C. file).
b. On 9/29 Mr. Best was called to the old Lookout on County Rd 36 for a gas leak. The Fire Chief shut the gas off. The property was tagged, and no one can enter the property until the situation is corrected.
4. Planning Board- Mr. Theodore Mayhood.
a. The September draft minutes were submitted (see T.C. file).
b. Still waiting for the new survey map for the Colegrove property.
c. We held a site plan sketch conference with Cathy Crane regarding the ropes course she is proposing on County Road 36. A possible company was scheduled to meet with her after our Planning Board meeting to check the feasibility of the business at that location.
5. Zoning Board of Appeals- Mrs. Linda Moorhouse.
a. Mr. Best reported the ZBA is having a preliminary hearing on a property on Twin Bay.
6. Highway Superintendent- Mr. Bruce Longbine.
a. The written report for the month of September was submitted (see T. C. file). Supervisor Singer highlighted a few of the items from the report: all the capital projects are done for the year, a fair amount of salt & sand is mixed and ready for use, the Townline Road culvert project is done
7. Honeoye Lake Watershed Research Taskforce Liaison- Councilman Hershey.
a. No report.
8. Assessor- Ms. Valary Muscarella.
a. The written report for the month of September was submitted (see T. C. file).
9. Supervisor- Ms. Kristine Singer.
a. The financial report for the month of September was submitted (see T.C. file).
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was carried to approve the financial report.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Abstained 1 Singer
Nays 0
b. Budget Transfer
DA5130.2 DA5112.2 $ 3,070.71 Expenditures greater than budgeted amount.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the transfer.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
c. Resolution Number 47 of 2011 – Budget Modification
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Budget Officer has received revenue from the sale of equipment; and
WHEREAS, The equipment purchase plan takes into consideration the receipt of such funds as a revenue source when making the equipment purchases; and
WHEREAS, The sale of equipment exceeded the amounts needed for equipment replacements scheduled for 2011; and
WHEREAS, Expenses for permanent improvements will exceed the budgeted amount due to the increase in the price of materials; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board directs the Budget Officer to make the following 2011 budget modifications:
Increase DA2665, Equipment Sale by $10,965.00
Increase DA5112.2, Permanent Improvements by $10,965.00
1. 2012 Budget Review
a. Resolution Number 48 of 2011 – Setting Date Place And Time For A Public Hearing To Entertain Comments Pertaining To The Adoption Of Local Law Number 1 (intro) of 2011 Entitled A Local Law To Override The Tax Levy Limit Established In General Municipal Law 3-c
Supervisor Singer indicated there is not a consensus between the state budget office and the State Comptrollers Office on how to calculate the 2% tax cap on the tax levy. Different guidelines have been distributed again just last Thursday. We have not exceeded the cap under the current guidelines. The State Comptroller and various municipal attorneys have recommended passing a local law to override the limit. Even though our budget is conservative and we shouldn’t have a problem; there could be a penalty a year or two from now when they deem the cap is exceeded under whatever guidelines they finally adopt.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, There has been presented and introduced at a meeting of this Board held on October 10, 2011, a proposed local law entitled "A Local Law to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law 3-c; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board shall hold a Public Hearing on the 14th day of November 2011 at 7:30 pm for the purpose of entertaining comments pertaining to the adoption of Local Law Number 1 (intro) of 2011 entitled; A Local Law to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law 3-c; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board publish a notice of said Public Hearing in the official newspaper of the Town at least five (5) days prior thereto.
b. Resolution Number 49 of 2011 – Setting Date Place And Time For A Public Hearing To Entertain Comments Pertaining To The Proposed 2012 Canadice Town Budget
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Budget Officer furnished town officers with budget estimate forms for input; and
WHEREAS, Based on said forms and other pertinent information the Budget Officer prepared the 2012 Tentative Budget and filed said budget with the Town Clerk and members of this Board; and
WHEREAS, This Board conducted a budget workshop meeting on September 28, 2011; and
WHEREAS, Based on the input provided at said workshop, the Budget Officer prepared the 2012 Proposed Budget; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board will conduct a Public Hearing to hear comments pertaining to the 2012 Proposed Budget, Monday, November 14, 2011 at the Canadice Town Hall, 5949 County Road 37, Town of Canadice, New York at 7:30 pm; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board publish a public notice of said Public Hearing in the official newspaper of the Town at least five (5) days prior thereto.
c. Resolution Number 50 of 2011 – Setting Date Place And Time For a Public Hearing To Entertain Comments Pertaining To Fire Protection District Contracts
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Town of Canadice currently contracts with the Richmond Fire District, Springwater Fire District and the Hemlock Fire District for fire protection and ambulance service within the Town's fire protection districts; and
WHEREAS, Said contracts will expire on December 31, 2011; and
WHEREAS, This Board desires to execute new contracts for a one year period commencing January 1, 2012 and terminating December 31, 2012; and
WHEREAS, This Board and representatives from each fire district have agreed to review rates and assessed values in each service district prior to the next contract renewal; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board will conduct a public hearing to entertain comments pertaining to said contracts at 7:30 pm on November 14, 2011 at the Canadice Town Hall, 5949 County Road 37; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board publish notice of said Public Hearing in the official newspaper in accordance with Town Law and send copies of this resolution, along with respective contracts to the Richmond Fire District, the Springwater Fire District and the Hemlock Fire District.
2. Review of Salt Brine Storage Tank Proposal- We will discuss the proposal at the next meeting.
3. Engineering review of designated stop signs- Councilman O’Connor met with Mr. Glen Thornton. He brought site maps with him for all three intersections and asked Councilman O’Connor for the Board’s opinion on the intersections. Mr. Thornton also spoke to Mr. Tim McElligott from Ontario County to acquire traffic studies and all the accident exports. He expects to have the report completed this fall.
1. Resolution Number 51 of 2011 – Update Of Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Of The Town Of Canadice Town Roads.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, This Board, by adoption of Resolution Number 61 of 1993, established an ongoing five year Capital Improvement Program for the Betterment of Town of Canadice roads; and
WHEREAS, Said resolution states that the list of projects shall be updated and adopted by resolution no later than September 30 of each calendar year; and
WHEREAS, This update was delayed to allow Highway Superintendent Bruce Longbine time to complete his assessment of the roads; and
WHEREAS, The Highway Superintendent has submitted a revised plan; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby adopt the following list of rebuild projects to be performed on Town roads during the years 2012 through 2016
*Canadice Lake Road from Burch Hill Road south 2.0 miles to Holmes Road – Replace cross culverts, reprofile road surface, reconstruct shoulders and surface treat with oil and stone.
*Canadice Lake Road from Holmes Road south 2 miles to Johnson Hill Road - Replace cross culverts, reprofile road surface, reconstruct shoulders and surface treat with oil and stone.
*Town Line Road 1.1 miles from Canadice Hill Road west to Ross Road - Replace cross culverts, regravel and profile surface with oil and stone.
*Purcell Hill Road 1.4 miles from Canadice Lake Road to State Route 15A – Replace cross culverts, reprofile road surface, mix, pave and reconstruct shoulders.
*Middle Road 1.48 miles from Curtis Road south to County Road 37. Mix and pave surface with a single shot of oil and stone.
and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board and the Highway Superintendent maintain a copy of this resolution with Resolution Number 61 of 1993 in a file within their respective offices.
2. Resolution Number 52 of 2011 – Authorization To Execute Snow And Ice Control Contract With Ontario County
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Town of Canadice entered into a contract with Ontario County for the removal of snow and ice control from County Roads 36 and 37 that are within the Town; and
WHEREAS, Said contract will expire on September 30, 2011; and
WHEREAS, Ontario County and the Town have agreed to the terms of a new contract; and
WHEREAS, The contract will commence on October 1, 2011 and terminate September 30, 2012; and
WHEREAS, This Board is has reviewed said snow and ice contract with Ontario County as proposed and agrees to the terms contained in said contract; and
WHEREAS, The rate of reimbursement for 2011-12 will be $5134.20 per mile (1% increase) with the option to re-open the contract to address rapidly rising or falling commodity prices; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute said contract with Ontario County for the above mentioned term; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution with the executed contracts to William Wright, Ontario County Public Works, 2962 County Road 48, Canandaigua, NY 14424. Ontario County will return a fully executed contract to the Town Clerk for retention in the Town files.
3. Approval of the Bills –
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried that the bills are to be paid in the following amounts:
General Account Voucher #269 to #290 $ 12,932.47
Highway Account Voucher #149 to #165 $ 69,172.85
Trust & Agency Voucher #04 $ 1,197.49
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Councilman O’Connor provided the information regarding Veteran’s Day services: Friday November 11 at 11:00 am at the Gazebo in front of the Richmond Town Hall.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Eileen Schaefer, Town Clerk