September 2011 Meeting
1. The Canadice Town Board Meeting was held on September 12, 2011 at 7:30 pm at the Canadice Town Hall.
2. Roll call showed the following-
Present: Supervisor Kristine Singer
Councilman Michael Virgil
Councilman Leland Durkee
Councilman John O’Connor
Councilman William Hershey
Others Present: Twelve (12) guests/residents attended the Regular Town Board Meeting.
3. Salute to the Flag.
4. Approval of August 8, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2011 Regular Town Board Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Honeoye Public Library 2012 Budget Request – Mrs. Wendy Krause
Mrs. Krause introduced Mrs. Marcia Young and Mrs. Cynthia Langkamp. They are Canadice residents and Board of Trustees for the library.
Mrs. Krause indicated that we are in year number four in their proposed progression to bring the Town of Canadice up to what it actually costs per resident for library services. $22,534 is requested in the 2012 budget. 715 Canadice residents have OWWL cards and of those, 659 have Honeoye Public Library cards.
The end of the year financial status for the library is listed with the report submitted.
Long range strategic planning was looked at in 2009. One of the highest responses for future needs was building expansion for space; meeting room space, work room space, etcetera. A $500,000 grant was awarded to the Honeoye Public Library through the Fingerlakes Area Community Endowment and administered by Canandaigua National Bank to build an addition. The Honeoye Public Library has applied for a NYS Construction Grant also.
Mrs. Young reinforced that the library is in need of wireless internet space. The library has also been working with the Canadice Historian and the Historical Society to share information.
The Town Board was thanked for their time and support.
2. Resolution Number 44 of 2011 – Congratulations Nicholas R. Thomas
Mr. Thomas accepted his official resolution and thanked the Board for allowing him to go forward with his project for the Town to fulfill his Eagle Project.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest honor bestowed upon a member of the Boy Scouts of America; and
WHEREAS, Less than 4% of all scouts earn the rank of Eagle Scout; and
WHEREAS, This award requires years of dedication, work and personal commitment; and
WHEREAS, Past recipients have been individuals such as Astronaut Neil Armstrong, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and Former President Gerald Ford; and
WHEREAS, Nicholas has demonstrated all the fine qualities necessary to achieve this prestigious award; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Canadice and its residents have been directly impacted by his work with the construction of the signs and kiosk on Town property; and
WHEREAS, This Board is proud and honored to have Mr. Nicholas R. Thomas as a resident and wishes to congratulate him on receiving this designation; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board congratulates Mr. Nicholas R. Thomas on his achievement and thanks him for his dedication to the community; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That this Board wishes Mr. Thomas continued success as he soars with the Eagles; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution to Mr. Nicholas R. Thomas.
Note: Communications are filed with the Town Clerk. Discussion on any item may be called for by any Member of this Board.
1. Town Clerk/Tax Collector- Mrs. Eileen Schaefer.
a. The financial report for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the month of August was submitted (see T. C. file).
Reminder- if anyone has another company to request a quote from for an official website, please pass the information on. We are currently looking at Digital Towpath.
Supervisor Singer will be incorporating into the 2012 budget a line item for the website since our current volunteer webmaster is stepping down.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to accept the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s report.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Historian- Mrs. Margaret Bott.
a. No report.
3. Code Enforcement Officer- Mr. Robert Best.
a. The written report for the month of August was submitted (see T. C. file).
b. 6235 Southwest Shores Property- Mr. Erhart attended the meeting and a discussion followed regarding what has been done (Mr. Erhart secured the structure before winter) and the plans for demolition which was not completed by September 1, 2011 per the agreement with the Town Board from the November 2010 meeting.
c. Resolution Number 45 of 2011 – Unsafe Building Findings
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer has made inspection, and filed a report which included photographs pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Canadice Town Code with respect to property located at 6235 Southwest Shores, Honeoye, New York, and being further identified as tax map number 174.15-1-25.000; and
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer has provided credible information that the structure upon the premise is unsafe; and
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer recommended the removal of the structure in November of 2010; and
WHEREAS, The Town Board agreed to extend the time to remedy until September 1, 2011; and
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer has notified the Town Board that the structure has not been removed as directed; and
WHEREAS, The Town Board has had due consideration hereon; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Town Board finds such building and structure as identified by the Code Enforcement Officer at 6235 Southwest Shores is an Unsafe Building as defined by the Town Code, section 58-1; and, it is further
RESOLVED, That the property owner is ordered to remove the structure, in accordance with the report of the Code Enforcement Officer that is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution by reference; and, it is further
RESOLVED, That the hearing shall be held on the 10th day of October 2011 before the Town Board of the Town of Canadice, with at least five (5) days notice to the owner of the property and any others having an interest therein, to affirm, modify or vacate this order, and to assess all costs and expenses incurred by the Town for the repair and removal of such unsafe building and structure, and to assess such costs and expenses against the land on which the structure is situated; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the property owner is ordered to commence the aforementioned and identified removal within thirty (30) days of service of the Notice, and to complete such repairs and removal within sixty (60) days of service of the Notice; and, it is further
RESOLVED, That the Town, or its duly appointed agent may enter and make the necessary removal in the event the owner fails to commence said repairs and removals within thirty (30) days, or to complete said repairs and removals within sixty (60) days; and, it is further
RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution be sent to the Code Enforcement Officer, Town Attorney, and the property owner.
4. Planning Board- Mr. Theodore Mayhood.
a. The August draft minutes were submitted (see T.C. file).
b. Waiting for a new survey map for the Colegrove subdivision.
5. Zoning Board of Appeals- Mrs. Linda Moorhouse.
a. No report.
6. Highway Superintendent- Mr. Bruce Longbine.
a. Pipe welded for Townline Road, pulling a 26” pipe through the 30” existing pipe.
b. Salt contract fulfilled.
c. New garage door is installed and columns fixed.
d. Received 2,000 ton of millings for free.
e. Waiting for a quote from Wards for trees.
d. Will have updated five-year plan for the next meeting.
7. Honeoye Lake Watershed Research Taskforce Liaison- Councilman Hershey.
a. No report.
8. Assessor- Ms. Valary Muscarella.
a. The written report for the month of August was submitted (see T. C. file).
9. Supervisor- Ms. Kristine Singer.
a. The financial report for the month of August was submitted (see T.C. file).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was carried to approve the financial report.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Abstained 1 Singer
Nays 0
b. Budget Transfer
DA5130.2 DA5110.4 $ 4,234.57 Expenditures greater than budgeted amount.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the transfer.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Traffic Sign Review Update – Councilman O’Connor contacted Mr. Glenn Thornton. Mr. Thornton has been very busy, but planned on setting up a time with Councilman O’Connor to go review the sites in person after Labor Day weekend. Councilman O’Connor will call Mr. Thornton again.
2. Comprehensive Plan Update; materials previously distributed.
*Supervisor Singer mentioned that Table 5-1 refers to NYS taking over the land from the City of Rochester with the pilot program and it is not a pilot agreement. She will get the section of law to correct that portion. Also the plan amendment process was totally taken out and not sure why it would be removed. Mr. Mayhood will review his notes regarding that section.
*Councilman Virgil- Page 50 where it is mentioned about the proposed public water supply; it isn’t a proposal now and would be a good idea to update the wording. Also on page 18- why strike the check list?
*Councilman Virgil asked if any sections in Chapters 2-4 were rewritten, there are several grammatical errors. Mr. Mayhood indicated they were not rewritten. Supervisor Singer indicated it should probably be corrected at this point.
*Supervisor Singer- We need to keep each revision/update in its entirety. Mr. Mayhood indicated they are planning on having this revision all together and an electronic version also. Once a final draft is done it can be sent to Ontario County Planning and schedule a public hearing.
3. Water District Status- Of the six challenge votes, Supervisor Singer verified three were eligible votes and the remaining three the Attorney verified were not eligible. The machine votes totaled 314; 184 yes and 130 no. Mr. Schaffron contacted Supervisor Singer to let her know Rural Development has acquired funds for low interest loans that may help us keep costs down if we are approved.
1. Lead Agency Status for Honeoye Central School District Capital Project-
Councilman Durkee motioned and Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve Honeoye Central School District as the Lead Agency for SEQRA review of their 2011 Capital Project for the Main K-12 Campus Bldg and Bus Garage in the Town of Richmond, Ontario County.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Resolution Number 46 of 2011 – Setting Date Place And Time For A Workshop Meeting – 2012 Tentative Budget
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, It is the Budget Officer's Responsibility to prepare the 2012 Tentative Budget and file said budget with the Town Clerk no later than September 30, 2011; and
WHEREAS, It is the Town Clerk's responsibility to submit said budget to members of the Board no later than October 5, 2011; and
WHEREAS, It is the desire of this Board to conduct a workshop meeting to discuss said budget; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board will conduct a workshop meeting on Wednesday September 28th, at the Canadice Town Hall, 5949 County Road 37, Town of Canadice, County of Ontario, State of New York at 7:00 pm; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board publish notice of said meeting in the official newspaper of the Town, at least five (5) days prior thereto.
3. Board of Assessment Review Vacancy-
Mr. Zachery Randolph will not be renewing his position on the BOA since he is moving away. We also still have two positions open on the Planning Board.
4. Approval of the Bills –
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried that the bills are to be paid in the following amounts:
General Account Voucher #234 to #268 $ 13,123.18
Highway Account Voucher #129 to #148 $161,835.98
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Mr. Best would like the Board to consider changing the Canadice Town Code for minimum square footage of any structure from 100 square feet to 144 square feet which is part of the NYS Buildings Codes section 1203.3 (a) (i).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the recommendation from Mr. Best and move forward with a proposed local law amendment to change the minimum square footage of any structure from 100 to 144 in the Canadice Town Code.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Mr. Best also suggested the possibility of requiring a septic inspection whenever a property changes hands. After some discussion it was decided it would not be pursued.
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn to executive session to discuss labor contract negotiations at 9:06 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn to the regular meeting at 9:55 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Councilman Hershey motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 9:56 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Eileen Schaefer, Town Clerk
1. The Canadice Town Board Meeting was held on September 12, 2011 at 7:30 pm at the Canadice Town Hall.
2. Roll call showed the following-
Present: Supervisor Kristine Singer
Councilman Michael Virgil
Councilman Leland Durkee
Councilman John O’Connor
Councilman William Hershey
Others Present: Twelve (12) guests/residents attended the Regular Town Board Meeting.
3. Salute to the Flag.
4. Approval of August 8, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes-
Note: Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be approved without being read, unless the reading thereof is called for by a Member of this Board - the minutes are available for review at the Office of the Town Clerk.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2011 Regular Town Board Meeting.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Honeoye Public Library 2012 Budget Request – Mrs. Wendy Krause
Mrs. Krause introduced Mrs. Marcia Young and Mrs. Cynthia Langkamp. They are Canadice residents and Board of Trustees for the library.
Mrs. Krause indicated that we are in year number four in their proposed progression to bring the Town of Canadice up to what it actually costs per resident for library services. $22,534 is requested in the 2012 budget. 715 Canadice residents have OWWL cards and of those, 659 have Honeoye Public Library cards.
The end of the year financial status for the library is listed with the report submitted.
Long range strategic planning was looked at in 2009. One of the highest responses for future needs was building expansion for space; meeting room space, work room space, etcetera. A $500,000 grant was awarded to the Honeoye Public Library through the Fingerlakes Area Community Endowment and administered by Canandaigua National Bank to build an addition. The Honeoye Public Library has applied for a NYS Construction Grant also.
Mrs. Young reinforced that the library is in need of wireless internet space. The library has also been working with the Canadice Historian and the Historical Society to share information.
The Town Board was thanked for their time and support.
2. Resolution Number 44 of 2011 – Congratulations Nicholas R. Thomas
Mr. Thomas accepted his official resolution and thanked the Board for allowing him to go forward with his project for the Town to fulfill his Eagle Project.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest honor bestowed upon a member of the Boy Scouts of America; and
WHEREAS, Less than 4% of all scouts earn the rank of Eagle Scout; and
WHEREAS, This award requires years of dedication, work and personal commitment; and
WHEREAS, Past recipients have been individuals such as Astronaut Neil Armstrong, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and Former President Gerald Ford; and
WHEREAS, Nicholas has demonstrated all the fine qualities necessary to achieve this prestigious award; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Canadice and its residents have been directly impacted by his work with the construction of the signs and kiosk on Town property; and
WHEREAS, This Board is proud and honored to have Mr. Nicholas R. Thomas as a resident and wishes to congratulate him on receiving this designation; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board congratulates Mr. Nicholas R. Thomas on his achievement and thanks him for his dedication to the community; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That this Board wishes Mr. Thomas continued success as he soars with the Eagles; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board send a certified copy of this resolution to Mr. Nicholas R. Thomas.
Note: Communications are filed with the Town Clerk. Discussion on any item may be called for by any Member of this Board.
1. Town Clerk/Tax Collector- Mrs. Eileen Schaefer.
a. The financial report for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the month of August was submitted (see T. C. file).
Reminder- if anyone has another company to request a quote from for an official website, please pass the information on. We are currently looking at Digital Towpath.
Supervisor Singer will be incorporating into the 2012 budget a line item for the website since our current volunteer webmaster is stepping down.
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to accept the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s report.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Historian- Mrs. Margaret Bott.
a. No report.
3. Code Enforcement Officer- Mr. Robert Best.
a. The written report for the month of August was submitted (see T. C. file).
b. 6235 Southwest Shores Property- Mr. Erhart attended the meeting and a discussion followed regarding what has been done (Mr. Erhart secured the structure before winter) and the plans for demolition which was not completed by September 1, 2011 per the agreement with the Town Board from the November 2010 meeting.
c. Resolution Number 45 of 2011 – Unsafe Building Findings
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer has made inspection, and filed a report which included photographs pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Canadice Town Code with respect to property located at 6235 Southwest Shores, Honeoye, New York, and being further identified as tax map number 174.15-1-25.000; and
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer has provided credible information that the structure upon the premise is unsafe; and
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer recommended the removal of the structure in November of 2010; and
WHEREAS, The Town Board agreed to extend the time to remedy until September 1, 2011; and
WHEREAS, The Code Enforcement Officer has notified the Town Board that the structure has not been removed as directed; and
WHEREAS, The Town Board has had due consideration hereon; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Town Board finds such building and structure as identified by the Code Enforcement Officer at 6235 Southwest Shores is an Unsafe Building as defined by the Town Code, section 58-1; and, it is further
RESOLVED, That the property owner is ordered to remove the structure, in accordance with the report of the Code Enforcement Officer that is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution by reference; and, it is further
RESOLVED, That the hearing shall be held on the 10th day of October 2011 before the Town Board of the Town of Canadice, with at least five (5) days notice to the owner of the property and any others having an interest therein, to affirm, modify or vacate this order, and to assess all costs and expenses incurred by the Town for the repair and removal of such unsafe building and structure, and to assess such costs and expenses against the land on which the structure is situated; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the property owner is ordered to commence the aforementioned and identified removal within thirty (30) days of service of the Notice, and to complete such repairs and removal within sixty (60) days of service of the Notice; and, it is further
RESOLVED, That the Town, or its duly appointed agent may enter and make the necessary removal in the event the owner fails to commence said repairs and removals within thirty (30) days, or to complete said repairs and removals within sixty (60) days; and, it is further
RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution be sent to the Code Enforcement Officer, Town Attorney, and the property owner.
4. Planning Board- Mr. Theodore Mayhood.
a. The August draft minutes were submitted (see T.C. file).
b. Waiting for a new survey map for the Colegrove subdivision.
5. Zoning Board of Appeals- Mrs. Linda Moorhouse.
a. No report.
6. Highway Superintendent- Mr. Bruce Longbine.
a. Pipe welded for Townline Road, pulling a 26” pipe through the 30” existing pipe.
b. Salt contract fulfilled.
c. New garage door is installed and columns fixed.
d. Received 2,000 ton of millings for free.
e. Waiting for a quote from Wards for trees.
d. Will have updated five-year plan for the next meeting.
7. Honeoye Lake Watershed Research Taskforce Liaison- Councilman Hershey.
a. No report.
8. Assessor- Ms. Valary Muscarella.
a. The written report for the month of August was submitted (see T. C. file).
9. Supervisor- Ms. Kristine Singer.
a. The financial report for the month of August was submitted (see T.C. file).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was carried to approve the financial report.
APPROVED Ayes 4 Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Abstained 1 Singer
Nays 0
b. Budget Transfer
DA5130.2 DA5110.4 $ 4,234.57 Expenditures greater than budgeted amount.
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the transfer.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Traffic Sign Review Update – Councilman O’Connor contacted Mr. Glenn Thornton. Mr. Thornton has been very busy, but planned on setting up a time with Councilman O’Connor to go review the sites in person after Labor Day weekend. Councilman O’Connor will call Mr. Thornton again.
2. Comprehensive Plan Update; materials previously distributed.
*Supervisor Singer mentioned that Table 5-1 refers to NYS taking over the land from the City of Rochester with the pilot program and it is not a pilot agreement. She will get the section of law to correct that portion. Also the plan amendment process was totally taken out and not sure why it would be removed. Mr. Mayhood will review his notes regarding that section.
*Councilman Virgil- Page 50 where it is mentioned about the proposed public water supply; it isn’t a proposal now and would be a good idea to update the wording. Also on page 18- why strike the check list?
*Councilman Virgil asked if any sections in Chapters 2-4 were rewritten, there are several grammatical errors. Mr. Mayhood indicated they were not rewritten. Supervisor Singer indicated it should probably be corrected at this point.
*Supervisor Singer- We need to keep each revision/update in its entirety. Mr. Mayhood indicated they are planning on having this revision all together and an electronic version also. Once a final draft is done it can be sent to Ontario County Planning and schedule a public hearing.
3. Water District Status- Of the six challenge votes, Supervisor Singer verified three were eligible votes and the remaining three the Attorney verified were not eligible. The machine votes totaled 314; 184 yes and 130 no. Mr. Schaffron contacted Supervisor Singer to let her know Rural Development has acquired funds for low interest loans that may help us keep costs down if we are approved.
1. Lead Agency Status for Honeoye Central School District Capital Project-
Councilman Durkee motioned and Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve Honeoye Central School District as the Lead Agency for SEQRA review of their 2011 Capital Project for the Main K-12 Campus Bldg and Bus Garage in the Town of Richmond, Ontario County.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Resolution Number 46 of 2011 – Setting Date Place And Time For A Workshop Meeting – 2012 Tentative Budget
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the resolution.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
WHEREAS, It is the Budget Officer's Responsibility to prepare the 2012 Tentative Budget and file said budget with the Town Clerk no later than September 30, 2011; and
WHEREAS, It is the Town Clerk's responsibility to submit said budget to members of the Board no later than October 5, 2011; and
WHEREAS, It is the desire of this Board to conduct a workshop meeting to discuss said budget; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Board will conduct a workshop meeting on Wednesday September 28th, at the Canadice Town Hall, 5949 County Road 37, Town of Canadice, County of Ontario, State of New York at 7:00 pm; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Board publish notice of said meeting in the official newspaper of the Town, at least five (5) days prior thereto.
3. Board of Assessment Review Vacancy-
Mr. Zachery Randolph will not be renewing his position on the BOA since he is moving away. We also still have two positions open on the Planning Board.
4. Approval of the Bills –
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried that the bills are to be paid in the following amounts:
General Account Voucher #234 to #268 $ 13,123.18
Highway Account Voucher #129 to #148 $161,835.98
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
1. Mr. Best would like the Board to consider changing the Canadice Town Code for minimum square footage of any structure from 100 square feet to 144 square feet which is part of the NYS Buildings Codes section 1203.3 (a) (i).
Councilman Durkee motioned, Councilman Hershey seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the recommendation from Mr. Best and move forward with a proposed local law amendment to change the minimum square footage of any structure from 100 to 144 in the Canadice Town Code.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
2. Mr. Best also suggested the possibility of requiring a septic inspection whenever a property changes hands. After some discussion it was decided it would not be pursued.
Councilman Virgil motioned, Councilman O’Connor seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn to executive session to discuss labor contract negotiations at 9:06 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Councilman O’Connor motioned, Councilman Durkee seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn to the regular meeting at 9:55 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Councilman Hershey motioned, Councilman Virgil seconded, and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 9:56 pm.
APPROVED Ayes 5 Singer, Virgil, Durkee, O’Connor, Hershey
Nays 0
Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Eileen Schaefer, Town Clerk